Plant Hire Association

The Construction plant hire association has more than fifteen hundred member companies that together represent more than ninety percent of the entire UK based plant hire companies. This particular plant hire association is very powerful and it has a good membership that enables it to have a powerful say within the plant hire industry as well as the government on matters that relate to the construction business and to plant hire.

Plant hire – represented by different segments of industry

The Construction plant hire association has members from different segments of the industry including owner operators and plant hire companies as well as tool hire companies. Even the best multi-depot organisations are part of this plant hire association.

Pay affordable fees

Different plant hire companies have joined this plant hire association and are represented on different committees. However, before you can join this plant hire association you will need to follow the conditions of the association. Furthermore, you will need to pay a fee that is designed to ensure that becoming a member of the plant hire association will be in your best interests.

Good value for money

Even small sized companies that form a part of this plant hire association will get good value for their money. In addition, they can also use the Model Conditions. The Construction plant hire association came into existence over four decades back and over this time it has grown to be a large and powerful plant hire association.

CPA Model Conditions

In order to use the CPA Model Conditions, one must be a member of this plant hire association. Once you are a member of this plant hire association you can rest assured that any hire contract that is drawn under the terms of the CPA Model Conditions will be considered to be very sound and will hold good in a court of law. These contracts are drawn with a view to helping both the contractor as well as the hire company. The terms of the contract will include factors such as customer taking the responsibility of unloading as well as loading plant and equipment.

In addition, the hire company will be protected against consequences of direct and indirect losses and the hire income will also continue even if the machinery is stolen. The payment will continue till such time as the stolen items have been replaced.

By becoming a member of the Construction plant hire association, you will benefit in other ways as well. For instance, insurance which is an important part of any project can be quite expensive. However, members of this plant hire association will get much more favourable terms.

In addition, members of the plant hire association are also provided with excellent safety support and they will also have someone on their sides. The most important reason why it pays to join this plant hire association is that this industry is highly regulated and with tough laws around, one will need to get some help in sitting down with the legislators to form and ensure that any new law that is brought about is fair and just.

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